A New Beginning


Living in the J&K state of India, I had a great inclination for software development and the interest was so high that it fortunately resulted in delivering quality software solutions in different domains. I was part of the team who clearly understood the requirements of the clients, and able to shape their ideas. It was always a pleasant experience to see a smile on their faces, as a mark of satisfaction for providing them competitive and result oriented solutions.

The new beginning started around two years back, when I decided to move out to explore better opportunities and a bright future. I always knew that it was not going to be easy to leave the comfort zone and go for a new beginning however, I still opted for it. Nothing could stop me and I did not procrastinate any further, for I knew that the end result was going to be worth it. It was my zeal and the passion that gave me the strength to accept all the challenges. I boldly crossed all the barriers to reach the destination. I remained busy working with web forms in ASP.net but never found it easy to spare some time for technological learning. Despite the interest and enthusiasm, I had been struggling for some valuable guidance and the right environment. So finally I migrated to Australia in Nov 2013 to make my dreams come true.

I joined Sydney .Net User Group at SSW to get in touch with the people of same industry  to get the clear idea about the Australian work culture and industry requirements. During December user group meet-up in which Scott Hanselman, my favourite author was the speaker , I came to know about the FireBootCamp-the hope to get guidance and a chance to improve my potentialities. Again it’s me who has to decide that I either look for the same web forms job I had been doing or spend some time and energy to learn new tools and technologies. Destiny had given me the chance to cover the road-blocks, and I picked up the opportunity. I was very excited about the fire boot camp as I knew that I would have to work with the killer instinct to learn more and to become a learned man in technologies. I wanted to work with Australian software community and prepare myself for the requirements of the Australian job market.

After joining the FireBootCamp, I realized that it was the perfect decision. I witnessed a big cultural difference and a great support to cover this wide gap. Mentorship was not limited to technology only and also focused on very constructive personal development.  And now……three weeks are over and I really had learnt many new tools and technologies in such a short span of time. I am looking forward to consolidate on technical and personal experiences……….

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